采取措施做某事的英文是什么? 1、采取措施 做某事的英文:take step;Take measures to do sth take step 采取步骤;办手续 例句 If we do not take step immediately, some one will beat us to it, which means big loss for us.如果我们不立即采取行动,一旦让别人捷足先登,
采取措施做某事的英文是什么? 1、采取措施 做某事的英文:take step;Take measures to do sth take step 采取步骤;办手续 例句 If we do not take step immediately, some one will beat us to it, which means big loss for us.如果我们不立即采取行动,一旦让别人捷足先登,